Policies regarding ethics and scientific integrity

The editorial team of the Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is committed to the compliance with the highest ethical standards, good editing practices, and authorship principles adhering to COPE: Publication Ethics and Ethical Violations and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, as well as the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT), which is expressed in the following criteria:

a) Authorship and Contribution Policies: Individuals who have made a significant contribution to the research, writing, submission, and revision of the manuscript are considered authors, according to the criteria outlined in the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT).

Authors should be listed in the order they have previously agreed upon, and the following information must be provided:

Transferred Attributions: The author grants the following attributions to Journal of Natural Resources and Farming: a) Make editorial changes to the article as necessary to align it with the publication standards of the journal, without altering its substance, as well as to comply with the requirements of bibliographic and indexing databases in which the Universidad Católica de Temuco participates or may participate in the future. b) Create or modify abstracts or excerpts of the article, in Spanish or other languages, and edit and publish them as described in the preceding clause. c) Conduct promotional and publicity activities related to the manuscript. d) Use the author's name for the promotion of the manuscript.

b) Plagiarism policy: Articles submitted to Journal of Natural Resources and Farming must be original and unpublished, with the consent of all authors. Therefore, it is required that authors use the submission letter format, in which they commit to these criteria. The journal will not publish articles that have previously been published in another language.

Fragmentation of large works can cause confusion among readers; thus, authors are asked to cite previous publications when referenced in their work to avoid detection as plagiarism or failure to meet the originality standards. Additionally, the author must be prepared to respond to inquiries from the editorial team and peer reviewers regarding previously published work on the topic. All received articles will undergo a rigorous peer review process and will be checked using the plagiarism detection software Compilatio. Should the article not meet the specified originality criteria, its publication will be deemed inadmissible. If the article has already been published in the journal, it will be removed from the respective volume. Journal of Natural Resources and Farming is committed to issuing retractions and corrections when necessary, to ensure the journal's transparency and proper handling of any detected or reported cases. Authors are responsible for the material included in their work, such as tables, graphs, photos, figures, and other content necessary for the development of the publication, and declare that such content does not infringe copyright.

c) Policy on Data Falsification, Manipulation, and Plagiarism:

The editorial team, including the editor, authors, and reviewers, must adhere to international ethical standards defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), particularly those related to data fabrication and falsification, in order to avoid:

  1. Fabrication, falsification, or omission of data.
  2. Plagiarism.
  3. Redundant, duplicate, or fragmented publication.
  4. Omission of references to consulted sources.
  5. Use of content without permission or justification.
  6. Individual appropriation of collective authorship.
  7. Changes in authorship.
  8. Undisclosed or undeclared conflicts of interest (CDI).
  9. Other issues that may arise during the research and publication process.

Fabrication occurs when an author invents ideas or data. Falsification refers to manipulating results by the authors. Omission happens when authors deliberately withhold facts or data to alter their research results. Plagiarism occurs when an author presents data created by others as their own. Cases of plagiarism include direct copying of text without quotation marks or citation, modification of some words, paraphrasing, and lack of acknowledgments. Self-plagiarism occurs when the same author reuses previously published material without referencing the earlier work. Redundant or duplicate publication refers to the total, partial, or altered copying of a work already published by the same author.

In cases of suspected misconduct, COPE’s flowcharts will be followed to determine appropriate actions.

d) Duties of the authors:

The journal ethically condemns plagiarism and aims to combat it in all forms.

The author declares under penalty of perjury the following:

Submitted works must be unpublished and the result of original research. Any external work or ideas must be acknowledged as such through proper citation.

Authorship is limited to those who have contributed significantly to the work. All authors must have approved the submission for publication.

The sources used by the author must be identified so others can access them.

Works submitted to Journal of Natural Resources and Farming cannot be submitted simultaneously to other journals. Likewise, a work that has previously been rejected cannot be resubmitted.

If the work is funded, the author must inform one of the journal editors upon submission. Additionally, any conflict of interest that could affect the impartiality of the research, such as third-party funding of legal reports, must be disclosed.

The author agrees to cooperate with the editorial process and comply with all deadlines and other requirements set by the editor(s). Editors retain discretion over whether and when to publish any article; however, no article will be published without the author's final approval. All citations in the published article will adhere to Journal of Natural Resources and Farming’s style guidelines. Upon request, the author will promptly provide copies of all materials cited in the article that the editorial team cannot locate.

e) Duties of the Editorial Board:

The Editorial Board is responsible for the content published in accordance with the institutional and specific policies of Journal of Natural Resources and Farming, and must ensure the rights of authors as well as good editorial practices.

The editor must inform the board of any plagiarism or other unethical conduct detected during their work.

The board will consist of professionals with recognized expertise in the fields of biological, environmental, silvopastoral, and veterinary sciences, providing their expertise in each of the journal's focus areas.

The composition of the board will include recognized researchers from the university as well as external experts at the national and international levels.

Membership on the board is honorary and does not create any labor or contractual relationship with Universidad Católica de Temuco.

The editorial board's functions are as follows:


f) Duties of Reviewers:

Reviewers must assess whether the submitted work meets the formal and substantive requirements defined by the journal. Their judgments must be well-founded, clearly indicating why they recommend or do not recommend the publication of the work, as well as any suggested modifications.

Reviewers must perform their duties confidentially, objectively, and respectfully. They should also inform the Editorial Board of any conflicts of interest that may affect their evaluation.

In particular, reviewers should collaborate with the Editorial Board in preventing plagiarism, informing them of any indication that arises during their review.

g) Handling complaints and appeals:

The complaint or appeal procedure begins by contacting the journal editor via the institutional email (jonraf@uct.cl). The editor will confirm receipt of the communication by email and assess the merits of the complaint or appeal, informing the Editorial Committee, which has two weeks to issue a ruling. The Committee may close the complaint or appeal or initiate an investigation, which will be communicated to the parties via a report. If an investigation is initiated, the parties will be asked to provide additional information and/or responses, upon which a decision will be made. Possible outcomes include dismissal of the complaint, insufficient evidence, or confirmation of the complaint. In all cases, the decision will be communicated in a report by the Committee. If the information confirms the complaint, the communication will be shared with the parties and the affiliated institution of the respondent. If necessary, an erratum or correction will be issued in the next journal issue.

h) Conflict of interest policies:

Journal of Natural Resources and Farming enforces strict criteria to prevent conflicts of interest during the article review process. Authors are required to submit a completely anonymized version of their manuscript, ensuring that the identity of authors, institutions, individuals, or funding sources cannot be identified. Furthermore, peer reviewers must have research experience and scientific publications. The review process at Journal of Natural Resources and Farming is double-blind, ensuring objectivity since neither authors nor reviewers will know each other's identities. The journal ensures that anonymized communication between authors and reviewers adheres to academic standards regarding manuscript comments and evaluations. The criteria for determining the outcome of a manuscript evaluation are outlined in the peer review process section.

i) Data exchange and reproducibility policies:

Journal of Natural Resources and Farming encourages authors to facilitate data sharing and reproducibility, provided it does not violate prior confidentiality agreements or compromise the identity of research subjects. In any case, authors should be aware that data used may be requested by editors or reviewers as part of the review process. Authors may link a dataset to their article through cross-referencing. It is recommended that cross-references go both ways: from the dataset to the article and from the article to the dataset. Authors may deposit the dataset on the platform of their choice. Journal of Natural Resources and Farming recommends the use of Mendeley Data.

j) Ethical supervision policies:

The Editorial Board of Journal of Natural Resources and Farming will request information from authors regarding the ethical standards of their research, which should follow the principles of the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity. When applicable, authors must specify the ethical procedures undertaken in their research, and upon request from editors or reviewers, provide pertinent information on the ethical safeguards employed, especially in matters involving consent or assent or the authorization of the use of databases. The use of photographs that depict individuals must have the necessary permissions, and no harm or detriment should come to the individuals shown in the image.

k) Intellectual property policy:

All manuscripts published in Journal of Natural Resources and Farming are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the work is original and unpublished. Journal of Natural Resources and Farming is published under a Creative Commons/Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), allowing others to share, remix, and adapt the published articles as long as appropriate credit is given to the author and the content is not used for commercial purposes.

l) Policies and options for discussions and corrections:

Journal of Natural Resources and Farming promotes the generation of discussions and debates around published manuscripts. When deemed appropriate by the Editorial Committee, responses or letters to the editor will be published, and should be directed to the email: jonraf@uct.cl. Corrections after publication or requests for article withdrawals must be submitted to the Editorial Committee at the aforementioned email address, where they will be evaluated under the terms set forth in section c) of this policy.

m) Privacy and information use policy:

Names and email addresses submitted to this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes of the editorial process, including notifications of new publications or calls for submissions, and will not be available for any other purpose, person, or organization. Journal of Natural Resources and Farming does not allow advertising or marketing on the journal's website.

n) Right to publication retraction:

Journal of Natural Resources and Farming reserves the right to retract articles that, after publication, are found to contain good-faith errors, or to have committed fraud or scientific misconduct. This decision will be based on the Retraction Guidelines (COPE, 2019). If the error is minor, it may be corrected with an editorial correction note or an erratum. Authors may also request a retraction if they discover serious errors in their work. In all cases, the electronic version will be retained, and clear and unambiguous warnings will be made.