Instructions authors


The Journal of Natural Resources and Farming considers for publication original Articles, Short Communications, and Technical Notes in both English and Spanish.


a) Original Article

These are full-length articles that present original research, comprising up to 8,000 words in length. They include the following sections:


b) Short Communication

A simple manuscript of new findings that do not require a full article but are significant enough to stand alone (not a preliminary paper) with a length of up to 4,000 words. The manuscript should include the following sections:

These are the only articles in which the results and the discussion can be presented in the same section.


c) Review

Reviews address topics of broad and current interest to the journal's readership and offer valuable new insights based on a thorough and critical bibliographic synthesis. The Editor-in-Chief is pleased to consider author inquiries regarding the suitability of a review topic and to receive manuscripts.


d) Technical Notes

Technical Notes report on new developments, significant advances and novel aspects of experimental and theoretical methods and techniques that are relevant to scientific research within the scope of the journal. It is standard practice for Technical Notes to refrain from reporting results. Manuscripts of this type should be brief, 1500 words maximum.


Manuscript Submission

The submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been previously published, is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, and has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities - tacitly or explicitly - of the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher is not liable for any claims for damages.



Any author wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere is required to obtain permission from the copyright owners for both print and online formats. Furthermore, evidence that such permission has been granted must be included when submitting articles. In the absence of such evidence, any material received will be assumed to be from the authors.


Source files

Please ensure that all relevant editable source files are included with each submission and revision. If you do not submit a complete set of editable source files, your article will not be considered for review. Please submit your manuscript in a common word processing format, such as .docx or LaTeX.


Title page

Please ensure that the title page includes the following information:

Title: The title should be concise and informative.

Author(s) information


For authors who are not currently affiliated with our organization, we will only capture their city and country of residence, not their email address, unless a specific request is made.


Please be advised that language models such as ChatGPT do not currently comply with our authoring criteria. In particular, attributing authorship implies accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to artificial intelligence. The use of a language model should be adequately documented in the Methods section (and if a Methods section is not available, in a suitable alternative part) of the manuscript.



Provide a structured abstract of 150 to 250 words, divided into the following sections:


For original articles and short communications only.


4 to 6 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes.



The following statements should be included under the heading "Statements" for inclusion in the published article. Please note that submissions that do not include these statements will be returned as incomplete.


Conflict of interest: Authors must disclose any financial or non-financial interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. See "Conflicts of Interest and Funding" below for more information on how to complete this section. More information and several writing samples can be found in the relevant sections of the submission guidelines. Revise/adapt sample statements to your needs.


Text format

Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format.

Titles and headings

Do not use more than three levels of displayed titles.



Abbreviations should be defined when first used and used consistently thereafter.



Footnotes may be used to provide additional information, which may include citing a reference included in the reference list. They should not consist solely of a reference citation and should never include the bibliographic details of a reference.


Footnotes in the text are numbered consecutively; those in tables should be indicated by lowercase superscript letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data). Footnotes referring to the title or authors of the article do not receive referencing symbols.


Always use footnotes instead of endnotes.



Acknowledgements to persons, institutions, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section on the title page. Names of funding agencies should be spelled in full.



Please cite references in the text in alphabetical order, followed by a chronological listing. It is important to maintain a consistent style for all references. The final version of the accepted articles will be formatted in accordance with the style guidelines set forth by the journal.


Reference list

Please ensure that the list of references includes only those papers that have been cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished papers should only be mentioned in the text.


The list of references should be ordered alphabetically by the surname of the first author of each paper. Sort alphabetically according to the following rules: 1) For one author, list the author's name first, then chronologically; 2) For two authors, list the author's name first, followed by the co-author's name, then chronologically; 3) For more than two authors, list the author's name first, then chronologically.


It is recommended that, when available, the DOIs are included as full DOI links in the reference list.



All tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals.

It is standard practice to cite tables in consecutive numerical order within the body of the text.

For each table, provide a title that explains the components of the table.

Please cite any previously published material in the form of a reference at the end of the table title, indicating the original source.

Footnotes to tables should be indicated by lowercase superscript letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included below the body of the table.

Illustration guidelines

Please provide all illustrations in electronic format.

Please indicate which graphics software was used to create the illustration.

EPS is the preferred format for vector graphics, while TIFF is the preferred format for halftones.

Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files. Name your figure files with “Fig” and the figure number, e.g., Fig1.TIFF.


Color illustrations

Color illustrations are free for online publication.

In the printed version, make sure the main information is still visible if black and white is used. Many colors are indistinguishable from each other when converted to black and white. To check this, make a xerographic copy and see if the color distinctions are still evident.  Color artwork should be sent as RGB (8 bits per channel).

Figure Letters


Figure numbering


Figure legends


Figure location and size



If you include figures that have already been published elsewhere, you are required to obtain permission from the copyright owners for both the print and online formats.


To ensure that all users, regardless of ability or disability, can access the content of your figures, please ensure that:


Accession numbers

For all strains of bacteria, yeasts, and mycorrhizae used in the research reported in the manuscript, at least one accession number from a recognized culture collection must be provided in a specific sentence to that effect.

For DNA sequences, new protein sequences, or new sequence alignments, the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) or other similar institution is required to provide a number and submit it in the manuscript. Manuscripts lacking this information will not be considered for publication.


Ethical responsibilities of authors

This journal is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the scientific record. Authors are expected to present their research findings accurately and honestly, as any misrepresentation could undermine confidence in the journal, the professionalism of scientific authorship, and ultimately the entire scientific endeavor. Adherence to the rules of good scientific practice helps to maintain the integrity of the research and its presentation. These rules include:


Pre-review & Peer Review Process

Reviewers are expected to complete the online form or submit their comments in Word format. Additionally, we encourage reviewers to provide qualitative feedback or include a copy of the manuscript with anonymized comments.

Evaluation options are: 1) Rejected: the manuscript does not meet the criteria of relevance, originality, and quality; 2) Accepted with major modifications: The article may be accepted following a second peer review process; 3) Accepted with minor modifications: The Editorial Committee requests changes to the authors. If the authors' incorporation is verified, the article will be accepted; 4) Accepted: The article is ready for publication in its current form. In cases where the committee deems it necessary, a third evaluator will be consulted, based on whose criteria a decision will be made. The final decision regarding publication depends on the Editorial Committee, and all submissions must comply with the established style and anti-plagiarism review guidelines.

 Authors of articles that have been approved for publication with modifications agree to make corrections to content, form, and style within a maximum of 5 business days from the date of the request.

Policies on plagiarism:

Articles submitted to the Journal of Natural Resources and Farming must be original and unpublished, and have the consent of all authors. For this reason, authors are asked to use the format of a letter of submission in which they commit to these criteria. Articles previously published in another language will not be published in the journal.

The fragmentation of large works may cause confusion among readers. Therefore, authors are required to include the respective citation in case their work mentions previous publications. This is to ensure that the work meets the originality criteria established and to avoid any potential issues with plagiarism. Likewise, the author will be accessible to the editorial team and peer reviewers for inquiries regarding previously published works on the subject. All articles received will undergo a rigorous peer review process and will be submitted to Compilatio plagiarism detection software.

If the article fails to meet the specified originality criteria, it will be deemed inadmissible for publication. If the article has already been published in the journal, it will be removed from the volume in which it is found. The Journal of Natural Resources and Farming is committed to the community to generate the necessary retractions, corrections and errata to ensure the transparency of the journal and due process in any case detected or reported. The authors are responsible for the material included in their work, such as tables, graphs, photos, figures, and other content necessary for the development of the publication. They confirm that these do not infringe any copyright.

Further considerations


If there is suspicion of misconduct or alleged fraud, the Journal and/or the Publisher will conduct an investigation following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, for its acronym in Spanish). If, after investigation, there are valid concerns, the authors in question will be contacted at the email address provided and given an opportunity to address the issue. Depending on the situation, the following actions may be taken by the Journal and/or Publisher:



The reason must be stated in the published erratum/correction, expression of concern, or retraction note. Please note that a retraction indicates that the article remains on the platform, is watermarked with the word "retracted," and includes a retraction explanation in a linked note.


Fundamental errors

It is the responsibility of authors to correct any significant errors or inaccuracies in their published articles upon discovery. The author(s) are kindly requested to contact the journal and explain how the error is impacting the article. The decision on how to correct the literature will be based on the nature of the error. This may be a correction or a retraction. In the event of an error, a retraction note should be provided which clearly outlines which parts of the article are affected.


Promote/Exclude Reviewers

Authors may suggest suitable reviewers and/or request the exclusion of specific individuals when submitting manuscripts. When proposing reviewers, authors are required to ensure that they are completely independent and not associated in any way with the work in question. It is strongly recommended to suggest a combination of reviewers from different countries and different institutions. When suggesting reviewers, the corresponding author is required to provide an institutional email address for each suggested reviewer. In the event that this is not possible, other means of verifying identity must be provided. Examples of acceptable alternatives include a link to a personal home page, a link to the publication record, or an ID of the investigator or author in the cover letter. Please be advised that the Journal is not obliged to use the suggestions provided, but we welcome them and they may assist in facilitating the peer review process.


Compliance with ethical standards

To ensure objectivity and transparency in the research and to ensure that accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed, authors should include information on sources of funding, possible conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial), informed consent if the research involves human subjects, and a statement on animal welfare if the research involved animals.


When submitting an article, authors are required to include the following statements (if applicable) in a separate section entitled "Compliance with Ethical Standards."



Please read the instructions that follow this section carefully before submitting your article.


The corresponding author should be prepared to compile and provide documentation of ethical compliance if requested during peer review or after publication.

The editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript that does not comply with the guidelines set forth above. The author will be liable for any misrepresentation or non-compliance with the rules above.


Conflict of interest

Authors are asked to disclose any interests that may be directly or indirectly related to the work they are submitting for publication. Interests must be reported within the last 3 years from the start of the work (conducting the research and preparing the work for presentation). Interests outside of the 3-year period should be disclosed if they could reasonably be perceived as having an influence on the work being presented.  Disclosing interests makes the process complete and transparent, and helps readers make their own judgments about possible bias. This does not mean that a financial relationship with an organization that sponsored the research or compensation received for consulting work is inappropriate.


Editorial board members and editors must declare any competing interests and may be excluded from the peer review process if a competing interest exists. In addition, if there is a conflict of interest, they should be excluded from handling the manuscript. This may include, among other factors, having previously published with one or more of the authors and sharing the same institution as one or more of the authors. Should an editor or editorial board member be listed as an author, it is recommended that this be disclosed in the competing interests section of the submitted manuscript. In the event that you are an author or have any other competing interest with respect to a specific manuscript, another editor or editorial board member will be assigned to oversee peer review. All submissions are subject to the same review process as any other manuscript. Editorial board members may submit articles to the journal, but these submissions are not given priority over other manuscripts. Furthermore, editorial board membership does not affect the editorial consideration process.


Interests to be considered and disclosed include, but are not limited to, the following:


Funding: Research grants from funding agencies (indicate research funder and grant number) and/or research support (including salaries, equipment, supplies, reimbursement for attending symposia, and other expenses) from organizations that may experience a positive or negative financial impact as a result of the publication of this manuscript.


Employment: Please indicate any employment, whether recent, current, or anticipated, with any organization that may stand to gain or lose financially through the publication of this manuscript. This includes multiple affiliations, if applicable.

Financial interests: stocks or shares in companies (including shares held by spouse and/or children) that may gain or lose financially through publication of this manuscript; consulting fees or other forms of remuneration from organizations that may gain or lose financially; patents or patent applications whose value may be affected by publication of this manuscript.


It is difficult to determine a threshold above which a financial interest becomes significant. Any such figure would be arbitrary, so a potential practical guideline is as follows: "Any undisclosed financial interest that could embarrass the author if it were to become public after the work was published."


Non-financial interest: Furthermore, authors are required to disclose any interests that could potentially bias their work, beyond financial interests. These may include professional interests, personal relationships, or beliefs, among other factors. Examples of such interests include, but are not limited to, the following: position on an editorial board, advisory board, or board of directors; other management relationships; writing and/or consulting for educational purposes; serving as an expert witness; mentoring relationships; and so on.


All primary research articles must include a disclosure statement. Similarly, all review articles must include a disclosure statement, as they represent an expert synthesis of evidence and may be considered an authoritative work on a given topic. Other types of articles, such as editorials, book reviews, commentaries, and so on, may also require a disclosure statement, depending on their content. If you are unsure whether your article requires a disclosure statement, please contact the editor-in-chief for clarification.


Please be advised that, in addition to the aforementioned requirements, any funding information (given that funding is a potential competing interest, as previously mentioned) must be disclosed when submitting the manuscript to the peer review system. Please note that this information will be automatically added to the CrossMark Registry; however, it will not be added to the manuscript itself. In the "summary of requirements" section, please include funding information in the "Declarations" section.


Requirements summary

The above should be summarized in a statement and placed in a "Statements" section before the list of references under the heading "Financing" and/or "Competing Interests". Other statements should include ethics approval, consent, availability of data, materials and/or codes, and author contribution statements.


Please direct your attention to the diverse writing samples provided below. Adapt the sample statements to suit your own requirements.


When all authors have the same (or no) conflicts and/or funding, it is sufficient to include a general statement.


The following statements should be used when funding has been received:

Partial financial support from [...]

The research that led to these results was funded by […] under the Grant Agreement No. […].

This study was funded by […]

This work was made possible thanks to the generous support of: […] (Grant Numbers [...] and [...])


The following statements should be used in the event that funding is unavailable:

The authors did not receive any form of organizational support for the work presented.

No funding was received to assist with the preparation of this manuscript.

Funding was not received for this study.

No funds, grants or other types of support were received.


The following statements should be used when there are interests to declare:


Financial interests: Author A has received research support from Company B. Author C has received speaker's fees from Company D and owns stock in Company F. Additionally, Author C serves as a consultant to Company G.

Non-financial interests: Author C is an unpaid member of the D committee.


Economic interests: The authors declare that they have no economic interests.

Non-financial interests: Author A serves on the board of directors for B, and does not receive any compensation for their role.


Financial Interest: Author A received compensation for providing advisory services to B. Author X receives a salary from Association Z, where he serves as Executive Director.

Non-financial interests: none.


Financial Interests: The authors, A and B, have no financial interests to declare. Author C received speaker's and consultant fees from Companies M and N. Dr. C received speaker's fees and research funding from Companies M and O. Author D received travel support from Company O.

Non-financial interests: author D has served on the advisory boards of company M, company N and company O.


The following statements should be used in the absence of any conflicts of interest:


The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.

The authors have no competing interests that are relevant to the content of this article.


All authors certify that they have no affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.

The authors have no financial or ownership interest in any of the material discussed in this article.

The authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the statements provided in the manuscript. Please also refer to the section on Principles of Authorship. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject submissions that do not comply with the guidelines set out in this section.


Supplemental information (S)

The Journal of Natural Resources and Farming accepts electronic multimedia files (such as animations, movies, audio, etc.) and other supplementary files to be published online in conjunction with an article or book chapter. This feature allows the author to enhance the article with supplementary information that may not be suitable for printing or that is more conveniently presented in electronic format.


Prior to submitting research datasets as supplementary information, authors are required to familiarize themselves with the journal's research data policy. It is our recommendation that research data be archived in data repositories whenever feasible.




Audio, video and animation

Aspect ratio: 16:9 or 4:3

Maximum file size: 25 GB for high-resolution files; 5 GB for low-resolution files

Minimum video length: 1 second

Supported file formats: avi, wmv, mp4, mov, m2p, mp2, mpg, mpeg, flv


Text and Presentations

Please submit your material in PDF format. Files in .doc or .ppt format are not compatible with our long-term storage requirements.

It is also possible to combine a collection of figures into one PDF file.



Spreadsheets should be submitted as .csv or .xlsx (MS Excel) files.


Specialized formats

Specialized formats such as .pdb (chemical), .wrl (VRML), .nb (Mathematica notebook) and .tex can also be provided.


Collect multiple files

It is possible to compile several files in a .zip or .gz archive.





Processing of complementary files



To provide access for all users to the content of your supplementary files, regardless of ability or disability, please ensure to


Following acceptance

Once your article has been accepted, it will be exported to Production for typesetting. You will then receive two emails. The first will contain a request to confirm your membership, choose the publication model for your article, and manage the rights and payment of any associated publication costs. The second will be sent with a link to your article proofs once typesetting is complete.


Article publishing agreement

The terms of the license granted to the publisher will depend on the ownership and policies of the journal in question. The publisher may be granted an exclusive license to publish the article, or the author may be required to transfer copyright to the publisher.



Offprints are available upon request from the corresponding author.


Color illustrations

Online publication of color illustrations is free of charge.



The objective of the proofreading process is to identify and correct any typographical or conversion errors, as well as ensure the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures. Please note that substantial changes in content, such as new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not permitted without the Editor's approval.


Once an article has been published online, any subsequent changes will be made in the form of an erratum, which will be linked to the article in question.


Online first

The article will be published online once the corrected proofs have been received. This is the first official DOI citable publication. Following the release of the printed version, the article can also be cited by issue and page number.


License terms and copyrights - CC BY

In the case of open access articles, the copyright transfer is not required since the copyright is held by the author. By choosing to publish an article under open access, the author agrees to publish the article under the Creative Commons Attribution License.


Data transparency

All authors are required to ensure that all data and materials, as well as software applications or custom code, support their published claims and meet field standards. Please note that journals may have individual policies regarding the sharing of research data in accordance with disciplinary standards and expectations.


Corresponding author's role

One author is designated as the corresponding author, acting on behalf of all co-authors. This individual is responsible for ensuring that any questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the paper are adequately addressed.

The corresponding author is responsible for the following requirements:


Author's contributions

In the absence of specific instructions and in fields of research where it is possible to describe discrete efforts, the editor recommends that authors include contribution statements in the paper that specify the contribution of each author to promote transparency. These contributions should be listed on the separate cover page.


The following examples illustrate the types of statements in question:

All authors contributed to the conception and design of the study. Material preparation, data collection, and data analysis were conducted by [full name], [full name], and [full name]. The initial draft of the manuscript was prepared by [full name], and all authors provided feedback on previous versions. All authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript.


Example: CRediT taxonomy:


In the case of review articles where discrete statements are less applicable, it is good practice to include a statement about who came up with the idea for the article, who conducted the literature search and data analysis, and who wrote and/or critically reviewed the paper.


In the case of articles based primarily on a student's dissertation or thesis, it is recommended that the student be listed as the primary author. This guidance is taken from the Graduate Student Guide for Determining Authorship Credit and Order of Authorship, APA Council of Science Students, 2006.



The primary affiliation of each author should be the institution where the majority of their work was conducted. If the author has subsequently relocated, the current address may also be provided. Please note that addresses will not be updated or changed after the article has been published.


Changes of authorship

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the correct author group, corresponding author, and author order are provided at the time of submission. Please note that any changes in authorship, including additions or deletions, as well as changes to the corresponding author or the sequence of authors after acceptance of a manuscript, will not be permitted.


Please note that authors' names will be published exactly as they appear on the accepted submission.

Ensure that all authors' names are included and spelled correctly, and that addresses and affiliations are up to date.


Generally, it is not allowed to add and/or remove authors at the revision stage. However, there may be instances where such changes are justified. The reasons for such changes in authorship should be explained. Approval of the change during review is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. It should be noted that journals may have individual policies on the addition and/or deletion of authors during the review stage.


Identification of the author

All authors must submit their ORCID ID when submitting an article for consideration, or acquire an ORCID ID through the submission process and submit it during the proofreading process.


Deceased or disabled authors

In the event that a co-author dies or becomes disabled during the writing, submission, or peer review process, and the co-authors wish to include the author, they must obtain approval from a legal representative, who could be an immediate family member.


Authorship issues or disputes

In the event of an authorship dispute during peer review or after acceptance and publication, the Journal will not be in a position to investigate or pass judgment. The authors will be asked to resolve the dispute themselves. If they are unable to do so, the Journal reserves the right to withdraw a manuscript from the editorial process or, in the case of a published article, to raise the issue with the authors' institution and comply with their guidelines.



Authors should treat all communication with the Journal as confidential, including correspondence with direct representatives of the Journal, such as editors-in-chief and/or editors-in-charge and reviewers' reports. Exceptions to this rule may be made at the discretion of the Journal, provided that the author has received explicit consent to share information.


About Copyright

In consideration of the acceptance of their submissions for publication in the Journal of Natural Resources and Farming, authors agree to the following terms:


a) The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication. The work is simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons License of attribution type CC-BY 4.0 for all content published in the journal, except where identified. This allows sharing of work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal, without commercial purposes.


b) Authors are authorized for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the paper published in this journal. This includes, for example, publication in an institutional repository or as a book chapter. In all cases, the authors must be acknowledged as the original authors and the initial publication in this journal must be referenced.

c) Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any time before or during the editorial process. This can facilitate productive changes and enhance the impact and citation of published works (see The effect of Open Access).